Happy New Year, Voicer!

How long are we actually allowed to say that, anyway? For the record, I say it for the entire month of January, and then kiss it goodbye on February 1st! I do love the sentiment of a Happy New Year wish whenever I see or correspond with my favorite peeps and clients after the holiday season winds down. And I do sincerely wish YOU a happy, healthy 2025 filled with all you hope for and more!

So, what does 2025 look like for you? Are you a goal-setter or a new-year-new-you dreader? Right now, the gyms and produce section at the grocery store are a bit more crowded, and while various studies and stats suggest that 80% of people ditch their New Year’s resolutions by the end of January, I tip my hat to anyone who keeps tryin’! Change. Is. Hard. And to say the least, life is a cha-cha that has us steppin’ forward, backward, and from side to side on the daily. And not all of us are graceful dancers!

Some gurus suggest writing your goals down and looking at them every day, while others suggest future journaling to yourself to revisit a week, month, or year from now—writing your dream life/goals in the present tense as though everything you want has already happened. Some people love future letter writing which is along the same lines. Maybe this style of goal-setting will feel fresh and inspiring to you! No matter the date on the calendar or day of the week, we have the power to change anytime we decide to, so if you’re not mentally ready to roll up your sleeves and Marie Kondo your closet, lose 15 pounds, alphabetize your spices, hit your financial goals, dial in your spirituality, and clean out your garage right this second, you are still an absolutely amazing human. 😎

Want to feel good today? 

1) Practice a positive mindset. I’m not happy every second of every day, although I’m accused of it quite often. Some people are even offended by another person’s happiness. Crazy, right? Let’s give those people a hug and tell ’em about practicing a positive mindset! I do take their offense as a compliment though, because I’m very mindful of steering my thoughts to be helpful, hopeful, loving, and grateful. It’s called a “practice” because it takes practice. Whenever I’m operating from this high-vibe system, I feel good. And feeling good… feels good!

2) Create a powerful personal mantra. Why not? This is a great way to flex your positive mindset. Get a few reps in with a phrase that makes you smile. Personally, I seek out and consume positive content every day to reinforce my practice. I treat it like a side dish with my morning coffee. It has way less calories and stays with me all day. I’ve crossed paths with so many goosebump-worthy quotes, articles, bloggers, essays, uplifting videos, etc. along the way that not only got me thinking, but helped me grow, a lot. Try starting your day with some feel-good content and find a little affirmation that gives you a kiss of dopamine.

Here’s some inspo:

– The universe always has my back.
– My potential is limitless.
– I’m a money magnet!
– I’m a good people magnet.
– Every day is an adventure.
– Love is my compass.
– Growth is my superpower.

3) Build a better routine. After all the fun during the holidays and enjoying some time off, I embraced my daily routine like a long-lost old friend! There’s a lot to be said for structure, good sleep, eating well, hydrating, moving your body, and clicking back into the things that you know are good for you. It can be super helpful to re-examine your daily routine and make a few small adjustments or add in a healthy habit or two. If you’ve been wanting to dial in your routine or get serious about establishing one, I highly recommend checking out ATOMIC HABITS.

4) Stay curious. What if we approached trying new things/developing new habits completely detached—like an experiment? Instead of weighing ourselves down with expectations and results, what if we just jumped in as our free-spirited kid-like selves, full of curiosity and wonder? What if we let ourselves color outside the lines? “I wonder what will happen if I try X for a month… I’m curious what will change if I establish more of X habit in my life… Will I enjoy my work more if I pair it with X?” You can have a lot of fun exploring, and it doesn’t feel as serious as following a list of your new-year-new-you rules and regulations.

It’s been said, “How we do one thing is how we do everything.” What would it look like if we fully immersed ourselves in everything we did? If we treated everything we had to do the same way we treat the things we love to do? If we were fully present in each conversation we had, each task at hand? How would we grow if we simply slowed down enough to savor the moment 1% more than we do now?

And what if I told you that focusing on all of this will also help you become a better voice actor?

The great news is, whatever you want to change, however you want to grow—every day is New Year’s Day.

So today, let’s stay present, feel good, and celebrate the beautiful process of becoming.