This month we’re celebrating YOU time.

In the fast-paced world of today, the thought of slowing down, taking a break or even taking time off can sometimes feel counterintuitive – or impossible. But it’s SO important.

Why does time feel like it’s moving faster?

One big reason: Technology. Love it or hate it, with the internet, social media, and a variety of ways to be pinged, ringed and dinged, we’re all more reachable than ever. And new research suggests that 9 in 10 people have their phone with them at all times, most of which feel pressure to respond to their notifications in real time. (Yikes!) This nonstop influx of pinging, dinging and ringing can leave us feeling fragmented, overstimulated and often overwhelmed. 6 out of 10 smartphone users admit that they use it too much, while the larger majority says that having it has improved their lives.

I found these stats interesting and eye-opening – that’s why I decided to share them with you.

Do you feel pressure to respond to people right away? Do you have that expectation of others? Just some food for thought. Our brains need a break. 

Unplugging Helps You:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety, allowing your brain to slow down and reboot.
  • Improve productivity. Without the distractions of notifications and messages, you can focus on one task at a time.
  • Deepen connection.Technology can prevent you from having meaningful conversations or spending quality time with the people you love most.
  • Increased creativity. Hello, voice acting! Step. Away. From. Your. Smartphone. So you can step up to your mic and just playyyyy!
  • Increased happiness. Research says taking a break from technology can improve your mood and overall health.

How rebooting our brains makes us better voice actors:

If you want your voice to be in tip-top shape, make sure you’re getting your zzz’s. And good sleep = good energy. I find that not only does my voice operate better when I’m well-rested, I’m usually in a really great mood, I feel spunkier & more creative, and I take more silly-good chances in my booth too. Your brain will high-five you when you prioritize sleep. I promise!

No distractions = better stories & characters. Being present is such a gift – to yourself and your clients.

Reading books (like real ones you hold in your hands), spending time in nature, laughing with friends, hugs, moving your body, meditating, or just creating some time and space to relax (without screens, pings, rings & dings) will all help you reset. Just thinking about it makes me feel good!

The better you feel, and the richer your life is in relationships, you-time and new experiences, the more your perspective evolves. This will not only make for a happier life, it’ll deepen your human connection, storytelling chops, and your overall ability to develop characters.

P.S. Drink some water. Yeah. That. 😀

We’re halfway through summer, my friend. I wholeheartedly hope if you haven’t already, that you find some time to slow down and just be.

Cheers to YOU!