Helllllllo Voicer,
And hello Pumpkin Spice Season! Okay, okay… if pumpkin spice isn’t your thing, there is so much more to love about fall – starting with cooler temps!
So, what’s your mindset like this time of year? For me, September often feels like the perfect reset month. Summer fun is behind us, and we still have a few months ahead to end 2024 strong. Up for a regroup and refocus? Then this post is timely! 😉
Here are a few ways to check in with yourself as we enter Q4!
1) Was there anything you set out to do this year that you need to revisit or recommit to? This could be VO related or personal. If you wrote down any goals earlier this year, dust ’em off and see if they still apply.
And hey, sometimes our priorities change. Life is constantly pulling us in different directions. What’s important to you right now? If there was one thing you’d like to “finish” this year, what would it be?
2) Set one clear intention for Q4. That could be…
“I’m going to commit to auditioning three times per week.”
“I plan to take a walk every day.”
“I’m going to dig into my VO branding and start laying out plans for my website.”
“I will drink more water every day.”
“It’s time for a new headshot!”
“I will make healthy food at home instead of eating fast food.”
“It’s time to start sending my demo to production companies.”
Your intention setting could be related to VO, your personal life, or your current career. You do you!
3) Deep clean your home office/studio. I’m talkin’ pull out that vacuum, mop, and your favorite surface cleaner and make your booth smell like fresh lemons! (Or whatever scent floats your boat). Scan your old paper scripts before you recycle them, ditch the clutter, rearrange your furniture, resecure cables, install those drawer organizers you’ve been meaning to get to, hang up a pic or quote that inspires you, whatever your heart desires… Dial things in so everything feels like new again. Deep cleaning, organizing, and restocking your work space feels so good, and it’ll reinvigorate you to create with freshness!
4) Take a closer look at your daily routine. Anything you’d like to add or eliminate to your daily schedule? Maybe with the cooler temps, you’d like to work in a daily walk outside. Schedule it! Is there any way to make your day better? Taking the time to more closely examine your current routine helps you realize what you need. Maybe what you’re already doing is working well for you… or maybe there’s a way to make your days even better.
5) Plan ahead. The last quarter of the year is busy (and fun)! Make a master checklist covering different areas of your life including the things you want to get on top of early. Including listing all of the silly-good seasonal stuff you want to do! Try doing a brain dump! This is where you set your random thoughts free in a notebook or digitally, like to-do’s, wishes, worries, goals, don’t-forgets – anything that’s on your mind at all! It’s a great way to put all of your brain randomness in one place. You’ll feel lighter afterward. I know I always do. This is a weekly practice for me on Fridays.
6) Tie up loose ends. Look around. We all have tasks we’re so close to wrapping up. Again, this could be business or personal. Finish writing your bio already. Go to the dentist. Sew that button back onto your favorite flannel! What’s inconveniencing you that will literally take you five minutes to fix? Do it. Haha. Then you can laugh at yourself once it’s done and wonder why you waited so long to just knock it out.
My Dad and I had never painted pumpkins before! (We usually carve them) Something so small, but so special and fun!
Our Daddy-Daughter Date night in the Midwest! 🧡
After voice acting for twenty-four years I’ve learned that I always feel better and do my very best voice work when I’m organized, well-rested & fed (haha), and take time to enrich my life with incredible humans and experiences. We pull so much of how we’re feeling into our performances – whether we realize it or not. Spend time honoring yourself, so you can feel whole and have all the things you need. It’ll take your reads to the next level and you’ll feel so good too.
I’ll leave you with two quotes that rocked my socks off recently:
“Nothing outside of you will fulfill you like being the director of your own life.” -Unknown
“The best productivity hack is to do one thing at a time with pure enjoyment.” -Unknown
Ready to fall into Q4? Me too. See you soon.