This month’s focus is on emPowering yourself.

“Most of what separates those who want and those who succeed is the simple fact that one stopped while the other kept going.”

Some stop. Others keep going. How about you?

“Even the tiniest step forward is still a step forward.” -Unknown

Over the years our dedicated coaching team and I have had the privilege of guiding thousands of voice actors toward their dreams, and one common question comes up often.

“How do I succeed?” 

While no two voiceover journeys are the same, I can say I’ve witnessed and personally experienced a few key components that make all the difference in achieving results for anything you want.

Here are a handful of my personal favorite power principles to help drive you forward:

Passion: There’s a little voice in all of us whispering our deepest desires and wishes. Those who are brave enough to take a chance on themselves and trust it will find it lights a fire in them that burns into an inferno of greatness. Honor your passions and you’ll surprise yourself. You’re capable of way more than you give yourself credit for. Never forget why you started. 

Persistence: Anyone can try anything once. And sometimes knocking once is all it takes for a door to open. But those who keep showing up when they don’t open quickly or easily are next-level champions. Their self-belief is fierce. Their vision for themselves is crystal clear, and they’ll keep showing up until they complete their personal mission. We’ll call it “Mission Totally Possible” when you don’t give up on yourself. So keep going. You might be one audition or marketing email away from the biggest opportunity of your life.

Positivity: Is your glass half full or half empty? Or maybe your cup runneth over with good vibes and limitless possibility? Mindset is everything, and practicing optimism is definitely a superpower. If your inner voice is rooting for you, bravo! If it isn’t, try practicing optimism by flipping your less-than-positive inner narrative upside-down. Talk to yourself the same way you’d talk to your favorite five-year-old (You’re in there somewhere! 😉) by showing yourself love, respect and gentle encouragement. A helpful and hopeful inner voice goes a long way. I dare you to activate your positive mindset today and see where it takes you.

Plan: A path, a direction, a roadmap. Imagine hopping in your car to head across the country with no idea where you were going? You might have a general idea for which direction to take, but you’d need some street names and landmarks to help you get there! I wish we could just stop at a gas station and ask someone which path to take to find our dream voiceover clients! That would make things so much easier! 😂 And we could grab a snack at the same time! You’re showing up for yourself by training at TVAS. You’re learning the VO craft, tech and business. All very important. Our experienced team of coaches and I are here to help you sketch out your custom roadmap toward your goals – while understanding that your day-to-day life, timeline and dreams are uniquely yours. So prepare yourself for an adventure. Be ready for some detours. But get clear about the direction you want to head so we can help.

Patience: “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” How many times have we heard that? Set realistic goals for yourself. You can’t expect to take one VO workshop or even one course for that matter and expect to be ready to cut your professional demo and begin working as a pro talent overnight. Building your skills, finding your vocal range and strengths, require not only an open mind – they also require lots of reps and… time. So be patient with yourself, and don’t put yourself in an unrealistic timeline pressure cooker. Let things unfold naturally. Don’t do it fast, do it right. You’ll be so glad you put in the work when you do get out there and go for it!

So, how do you succeed at anything in life?

You show up. And if you show up passionately, with patience, persistence, positivity and a plan?! Look out, world. Here. You. Come.