Mic’s Blog
Jacked Up: How Much Should You Know About Audio Editing?
WHAT? I have to be an audio editor, too? I recently listened to an online webinar where a well-accomplished audio editor gave a class on Twisted Wave, an audio recording app. It runs in the cloud as well as on Mac computers, iPhones, and iPads. It’s my go-to editing...
5 Things I Learned as a New Full-Time Voice Actor
Back in February of this year, I finally said, “To heck with it.” (I actually said something else to that effect, but it wasn’t G-rated, and this is a G-rated blog). I’d had enough with only tip-toeing around my lifelong dream of being a voice actor; I wanted to go...
Are You Doing the VO Cha-Cha?
I say it all the time, but our VO journey is a marathon, not a sprint, with many starts and stops along the way. Sort of like a VO cha-cha! For a while, you might feel some major momentum with your VO training, but then, something pulls you away. Life happens, work...
Jacked Up: Carts and Horses
It happens every few months: a voice acting student I know is morphing before my eyes into a working voice actor, having been at it for six, nine, or twelve months. They come to me all excited. “I booked my first gig!” (Usually when I hear about that it also includes,...
Top 10 Steps for VO Success
Everyone’s voice over journey is different. It may take some people a few months to cut their demo and other people a few years. Some people want to go after voice acting full time, while others like it as a side gig. Some folks are animation and character wizards,...