Mic’s Blog
Top 5 Tips for Acing Your Live Recording Sessions
Whoo hoo! You’ve booked your first live session with a client! Or maybe this ain’t your first rodeo and you’re no stranger to live sessions. Whatever the case, it’s important to keep a few things in mind—and in your booth—when you get on the line with your client....
Auditions: Submit and Forget
Auditioning. The big, scary “A” word. Let's dig a little deeper into that, shall we? Over the years, I've heard a lot of newer voice actors say things like, "I was so perfect for that job. I’m definitely gonna book it. I think I'll email the producer and see if he's...
How’s Your Energy?
You know what’s really important to pay attention to as a voice actor? Energy! Okay, okay, it’s easier said than done. We only have so much energy in a day, ya know? So, when do you feel your best? Morning? Maybe you’re a night owl. Or does mid-day feel great for you?...
Are You Having Fun Yet?
I've got 4 words for you: Do. What. You. Love. Are you having fun? That's the most important part of this whole thing! If you’re doing what you love, you should be having fun! We have to remind ourselves as we build our skills and learn the VO biz that we started this...
Jacked Up: When in doubt, ask or look it up!
When you make your living talking, you’re bound to run into words you’ve never seen before. And then there are those words you just learned how to say, not realizing that most people don’t even say it the way you do. Of course, that second group of words will bring...
Courage, Confidence & Vulnerability by Geoff Riddle
You cannot be courageous and confident without risking vulnerability first. It's a three-legged stool. Ironically, taking risks and failing grows your confidence. If you choose to learn from the challenge, it can make you feel bolder moving forward. NBA all-time great...
Joy’s Talent Spotlight: Abby Elvidge
We all know and adore Abby Elvidge. She is one of our outstanding coaches at TVAS who shares her expertise in Audiobooks, Narration and Character genres. Abby has been acting since she was a little girl, beginning with performing Shakespearian theater in high school....
Jacked Up: N D A
N-D-who? Non Disclosure Agreements were in the news a year ago with the stories about the fall of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. NDA’s are common in VO. You may be asked to sign one before starting in on a project. The NDA can prohibit ANY conversation, emails or...
Joy’s Talent Spotlight: John McClain
Hello to all my talented friends and lovers of TVAS! Today I want to write about a man we all know and respect as being an extremely knowledgeable recording engineer, sound designer and voice over actor, John McClain. Most of us have benefited from John’s vast...