Mic’s Blog
Some Quick Advice About Advice
One of the things about VO is that nobody's experience (AKA "the journey") is quite the same as anybody else's. Two people can sign up at the same pay-to-play site, for example, put up essentially similar demos, and do everything like each other, and one will succeed...
On Words and Being Proactive
Voice actors tend to be lovers of words. I know I am, and in VO life, there's nothing I love more than feasting my eyes on a beautifully or cleverly written script. After 20 years of script reading, I'd say my vocabulary has grown a bit, too. 😉 Reading, in general...
5 Ways to Get Out of Your Own Head
You know when you can’t get any recording done because your inner critic just won’t shut up? Yeah, me too. It’s the WORST. Don’t get me wrong—there’s a time and a place for that critic! Critically listening back to your performance can help you determine which changes...
Jacked Up: Remember–Voice Acting is ACTING
Voice acting, like any form of acting, is a form of storytelling. And as with all acting training, the actor takes the craft of storytelling and breaks it all apart. You study each element of the craft (performance, tech, business), you see what you range you have,...
What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed
Ever feel overwhelmed? You know... like your brain has too many tabs open? I think it's fair to say we've all been there. It can leave you paralyzed, panicked, and just plain pooped. And when you have VO awesomeness to achieve—auditions, jobs, marketing, demo...
What To Expect in a Live Voiceover Session
Jumping into a live, directed VO session can be super nerve-wracking, no matter how much experience you have. Those nerves are good news—they mean you care and want to do a good job! But nerves often come from the unknown. What exactly happens in a live voiceover...
Jacked Up: Backing Up
Quick story: my wife (a university professor), a few years ago, dropped her one and only external hard drive on the hard title floor. That was the end of that drive. But no worries, she said. Off we went to campus, where, in her office, she had a backup program that...
Why Running a VO Business = Self-Parenting
Remember when you were a kid and your parents had to essentially bribe you to get chores done? You know. One of these: “If you put the dishes away, you can play on the trampoline.” Or maybe it was, “If you eat all of your vegetables, you can have a cookie.” Or in my...
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Give Up
Ever hear that 'doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will?' Well, I'd say that's pretty accurate. We've all had times where negative thoughts creep in and they play over and over on repeat in our minds like the occasional high-maintenance client who doesn't...