Mic’s Blog

TVAS Tech Talk: Gain Staging

Gain Staging sounds like a fancy term, like some kind of weird platform to put something on. In reality, gain staging is an audio engineering term for getting levels right so your signal-to-noise ratio (the difference between your voice recording and your room noise)...

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Moatsivation: Empower Yourself!

This month’s focus is on emPowering yourself. “Most of what separates those who want and those who succeed is the simple fact that one stopped while the other kept going.” -Unknown Some stop. Others keep going. How about you? “Even the tiniest step forward is still a...

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Moatsivation: It’s all about YOU

This month we're celebrating YOU time. In the fast-paced world of today, the thought of slowing down, taking a break or even taking time off can sometimes feel counterintuitive - or impossible. But it's SO important. Why does time feel like it's moving faster? One big...

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Moatsivation: Mastering Confidence

Over the years many voice actors have asked me how to "find their confidence." This elusive super power lives inside all of us, but how do we tap into it when we need it most? Or, what happens if we can't find it? Well, before we can master anything in life, we must...

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Moatsivation: What’s Your Approach?

Every month this year we’ve been focusing on a different theme… January: Organization February: Focus March: Momentum And in April we’re focusing on our... How you approach anything in life has everything to do with your mindset which means it also shows up in how you...

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