Mic’s Blog
Auditions and Not Booking
There’s a lot of time spent auditioning and not booking. The key to surviving that is entirely up to the individual voice actor. It’s your choice whether to feel good or bad about things beyond your control. And how a client feels about your audition is COMPLETELY out...
Joy’s Talent Spotlight: Timothy Callaway
Hello fellow voicers! I had so much fun chatting with Tim Callaway about his voice over adventure. Tim has a background of 6 years being a DJ. He found that being a DJ did not pay enough money so he started pursuing podcasting. Tim’s podcasts were about the “happiest...
Inspiration Corner: Free Marketing Tool!!!!
The holiday rush of last-minute radio and TV spots have subsided. As someone still relatively new to the industry, a thought crossed my mind: Is there ever a slow time for getting voice over work? My answer is no, for one simple reason. I have the ability to pick up...
New Year Blog Love from Mama VO
Although every day is a fresh start, and a chance to set course in any direction, I really love the beginning of a new year. It's a great time for reflection and a time to ponder all of the countless possibilities ahead. As 2018 kicks off I'd like to share some...
The Best Way to Get VO Work
I think I’ve figured out the best way to book gigs: go on vacation. It never fails. I’m packing, shutting off the water, herding the cats into their carrying cases, and boom! My email sings out with a “Hey, could you do this rush job today?” thing. Now, were I to...
Joy’s Talent Spotlight: Charlene Sher
Hello fellow voicers and welcome to this segment featuring an extremely dynamic woman, Charlene Sher. Charlene started her voice over, radio, film and theater career in Cape Town, South Africa. She has appeared in several movies and starred in many famous roles on...
To Resolve or Not to Resolve?
Over the years, there have been two camps that become more vocal this time of year: Those who make New Year’s Resolutions, and those who don’t. Even way back in ancient Rome, where at the beginning of each year, the Romans made promises to the god Janus, for whom the...
Blog Love from Mama VO
[su_custom_gallery source="media: 1128,1127,1129,1130,1131" limit="16" link="lightbox" target="blank" width="100" height="100" title="never"]We did it! After almost three years in Henderson, NV, TVAS 2.0 opened its new doors in Las Vegas on Saturday, 12/2! Moments...
What do I do with my VO day?
Some people thrive on routines. Some enjoy complete chaos. To some, watching the morning TV show, eating the tried and true cereal, and getting out the door at 8:07 is the thing to do. How about you? How will you manage your freelance VO day? Is there a time for...