Mic’s Blog

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things

It's February. It's time to focus! I'm highly caffeinated and have some ideas for us. Here. We. Go! Here are 25 things you can do right now to get your gluteus maximus in gear for the new year.  1. Clean up your files. Both paper and digital. Back 'em up to your cloud...

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Similar to the author of this article, I’ve been on a weight loss and fitness journey (for 10 years now!), and one thing I have discovered is there is no “quick and easy” way to get fit and lose weight. Likewise, there are no shortcuts to becoming a tech-savvy voice...

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The Art of Becoming

Happy New Year, Voicer! How long are we actually allowed to say that, anyway? For the record, I say it for the entire month of January, and then kiss it goodbye on February 1st! I do love the sentiment of a Happy New Year wish whenever I see or correspond with my...

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2024, That’s a Wrap!

Seasons Greetings, Voicer! It's December, and nobody asked us if we were ready, did they? 😂 As we bring 2024 to a close I want to remind you that, "You didn't come this far, only to come this far." -Unknown This quote in particular has become one of my secret weapons...

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The Power of Thanks

Happy Gratitude Month, Voicer! While gratitude is something many of us practice on the daily, it seems like we're much more mindful of it as we approach the holiday season. Being surrounded by good food, friends and family will definitely get ya feeling the feels. 🥰...

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Vocal Health & Wellness

Autumn is in the air, and whichever corner of the world you're in we hope you're enjoying it to the max. This time of year warm beverages are a bit more savored, the cooler temps are celebrated, and there's nothing cozier than pulling out favorite sweaters and...

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Connecting Your Mic & Setting a Level

An audio interface is the device you will need to get audio from your source (likely your voice) to your computer and, ultimately, your recording software (commonly known as a 'digital audio workstation' or 'DAW'). But before we dive into interfaces, let's have a...

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Fall Into Q4

Helllllllo Voicer, And hello Pumpkin Spice Season! Okay, okay... if pumpkin spice isn't your thing, there is so much more to love about fall - starting with cooler temps! So, what's your mindset like this time of year? For me, September often feels like the perfect...

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Gain Staging

Gain Staging sounds like a fancy term, like some kind of weird platform to put something on. In reality, gain staging is an audio engineering term for getting levels right so your signal-to-noise ratio (the difference between your voice recording and your room noise)...

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