Like it or not, we are business owners. It sounds good when I tell someone “I have my own business”, It gives me a sense of personal fulfillment. I secretly enjoy the kudos I get for having the courage to go rogue. “Dude, I’m the CEO – “Chief of Everything”, no one can fire me!” Independence. I get to put all of my own ideas into action, and I keep all the profits (well, minus taxes and the agency’s cut, if applicable). It’s power. But it’s a power trip that requires a lot of luggage. It comes with hunting down valid prospects, and nurturing existing relationships, doing taxes, getting the proper licensing, having discipline, and at times, the uncertainty can be downright scary. There are days when no one returns my calls or emails, or no auditions are coming from agents…or anywhere, and I feel like I’m in a psychological quicksand…very slowly going down, but then, when I’m waist high in self-pity….BOOM!! A great job pulls me out of my mental slump, and I’m back in the saddle again! Being responsible and accountable for every aspect of the job that puts food on your table is not for the faint of heart. I think that’s why it’s important to be devoted to, and passionate about what you do, because if it’s for the money or notoriety, you will surely sink.