You cannot be courageous and confident without risking vulnerability first. It’s a three-legged stool. Ironically, taking risks and failing grows your confidence. If you choose to learn from the challenge, it can make you feel bolder moving forward.
NBA all-time great Michael Jordan is quoted as saying, “I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life ….and that’s why I succeed.”
Vulnerability is uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure. As artists, we put our work out in the world with no assurance of acceptance or appreciation.
Here’s something funny! Did you know that fear and excitement share the exact same emotional feeling? There is no difference between the two except for the definition you give them. So why would you suffer with fear when you can choose excitement instead? Life is much more fun when it’s exciting!
Not long after I had completed a handful of classes at TVAS, I was so excited, I went out and sold my first VO job. No webpage, no demo, not even a business card. Admittedly, though, fear reared its ugly head when I realized I had no way of fulfilling the agreement without a way to produce it. Luckily, in came Mama VO on her white charger and rescued me (albeit laughing hysterically). Fear is unavoidable, but it can be controlled to work in your favor and that is always your choice.
My father parachuted into France on D-Day during World War II. Failure meant death! Call me kooky, but I doubt any of us would face that kind of consequence in the VO world. So, what was it you were afraid of again?
“May the bridges I burn, light the way for you”