by Melissa Moats | Oct 1, 2019 | Melissa Moats - Mama VO!
Building your VO expertise shouldn’t stop when you leave class. Here are three tips for practicing your VO performance! 1. Learn the art of paraphrasing. Being an excellent voice actor means you know how to get to the heart of the copy writer’s message. We turn...
by Melissa Moats | Aug 19, 2019 | Melissa Moats - Mama VO!
I say it all the time, but our VO journey is a marathon, not a sprint, with many starts and stops along the way. Sort of like a VO cha-cha! For a while, you might feel some major momentum with your VO training, but then, something pulls you away. Life happens, work...
by Melissa Moats | Jul 29, 2019 | Melissa Moats - Mama VO!
Everyone’s voice over journey is different. It may take some people a few months to cut their demo and other people a few years. Some people want to go after voice acting full time, while others like it as a side gig. Some folks are animation and character wizards,...
by Melissa Moats | Jul 15, 2019 | Melissa Moats - Mama VO!
Voice acting is so much more than just talking into a mic. When you’re interpreting your scripts, you should not only think your performance choices like mood/attitude who your audience is, and how you want them to feel—you should also think about the how you’re...
by Melissa Moats | Jul 1, 2019 | Melissa Moats - Mama VO!
I’ve been thinking about you. Yep! I’m always thinking about ways I can help, support, educate and inspire you. I know you can do this. You know how I always say, “Reading out loud just 5 minutes a day can be a game-changer in building your overall...
by Melissa Moats | Jun 3, 2019 | Melissa Moats - Mama VO!
Want to know my word of the day? Enthusiasm. Remember when you were a kid and someone mentioned ice cream? Or a water park? Or camping in the back yard? It was the greatest thing ever. Enthusiasm is a state of mind. Enthusiasm breeds energy. It inspires action and is...