Jacked Up: Venturing out, Part 2

Should you spend the travel and expense of going to a big VO conference?  Find colleagues who went last year.  Add up all the travel, food, lodging, and conference fees.  Can you cover it?  Will you have money left for the gear you need or for that pay-to-play site...

Jacked Up: Venturing out, Part 1

As you contemplate your dawning career, you’ll be drawn to other places to train.  And while you’ll always have a “home base” at The Voice Actors Studio, you may want to take online courses or travel to other cities for conferences or workshops.  All that is an...

Tip12: Being Professional

So, here you are, a working VO pro.  What’s that mean really?  You’ve got the basics covered: performance, technical, and business.  You know how to voice your genre of choice, your sound is clean and good, and you know how to track your money and look for work. But...

Auditions and Not Booking

There’s a lot of time spent auditioning and not booking. The key to surviving that is entirely up to the individual voice actor. It’s your choice whether to feel good or bad about things beyond your control. And how a client feels about your audition is COMPLETELY out...

The Best Way to Get VO Work

I think I’ve figured out the best way to book gigs: go on vacation.  It never fails.  I’m packing, shutting off the water, herding the cats into their carrying cases, and boom!  My email sings out with a “Hey, could you do this rush job today?” thing. Now, were I to...