Read to Express, Not Impress

When you step into the booth, do you find yourself overthinking? Worrying about what everyone else in the room is thinking? Worrying about how you’ll do—if you’ll read too fast, too slow, or if you’ll “mess up?” Overcoming overthinking takes practice, but learning to...

How I Record On the Go

Recently, my husband, Troy, and I went on a cruise to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary. We had a blast, and I was still able to take care of my clients while traveling. Believe me, we had all kinds of time to eat and play and get our vacation vibes on, but...

Are You A VO Perfectionist?

Do you overthink things? Me, too. (I’m a little weird about locking doors. I’m a double/triple door-lock checker!) Thinking about overthinking makes me think of (bear with me here) voicers I see struggling to make their reads ‘perfect.’ I’m here to...